The Senior Center is open
To receive a fresh meal on weekdays,
please call 707-987-3113 before 10:00 am for dining in at 12 pm.
2 Facts about the Middletown Senior Center

The Middletown Senior Center regularly checks temperatures of all meals. The Middletown Senior Center Meals on Wheels are made in our kitchen and packaged hot and placed in a hot box with heat stones, cold portions of meals are placed in coolers with cold packs. Meals are promptly packaged and sent out at 11:00 am. Our Meals on Wheels drivers check the temperature of cold and hot food at the start of delivery and when the last meal is delivered. Our routes (Middletown, Hidden Valley, Cobb) take 2.5 hours or less.
Anyone is welcome to see a copy of our health inspection report, just stop by our office.
WE COULD USE YOUR HELP (707) 987-3113
We wish to keep our membership list up-to-date. We are not always notified when relocation has occurred. If you know of anyone who have moved 'for any reason', please call and let us know.
If you have a couple of hours each week, we could use more Meals on Wheels drivers. We need drivers who can serve as “on call” to step in when a “regular” needs the time off. We could use more servers and greeters as dining in is growing. More volunteers for the Thrift Store as well as donations for the Thrift Store are also welcome.